Focus My Vote
Saturday 26/07/2013 - In an interdependent world, where so much of our individual lives are both directly and indirectly affected by others, are we really, as the old saying goes, "in control of our own destinies?" 
Putting aside the various religious beliefs and philosophies that exist regarding fate, predetermination etc., to the extent that we make our own decisions (e.g. "I will smile at least  three times today." or "I will have cereal for breakfast." or "I will change my career path within the next 12 months." - ARE WE LIVING IN AN INCREASINGLY INTER-DEPENDENT WORLD? and in spite of our strongest desires to have our own individuality and and self-expression, IS THIS REALISTICALLY SOMETHING WE EVER ACHIEVE (EVEN IF WE ARE PAYING OUR OWN BILLS AND LIVING UNDER OUR PROVERBIAL OWN ROOF?" - Please share your thoughts with us on our Blog page....

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