Focus My Vote
How dare you!??? Differences of the mind! - it is a well known fact - yes FACT, that what we actually know least about ourselves has mainly to do with what we know or don't know about the way the human brain works - WHY do some people master certain academics better, whilst others are more likely to master the art of being streetwise? WHY do some have a natural tendency to optimism, whilst many others will see the proverbial glass as half empty? It is likely to be a long time before these questions are finally answered, but in the meantime there is something far more fundamental to ask ourselves - WHO give ANYONE the right to judge others or decide what their mental state is unless and until the issue relating to that person's mental state has been comprehensively decided through unequivocal research and empirical, substantial proof - one such category of mental state is that of ADULT ADHD - or attention deficit hyperactive disorder in adults- - it seems that there are a substantial number of people of who happily, ignorantly, dangerously deny the very existence of this "disorder" -
- A study carried out by researchers from Boston Children's Hospital, the Mayo Clinic and Texas Children's Hospital in the US, and was funded by the US Public Health Service, have, like many studies before, again REINFORCED the existence of Adult ADHD, point to risks of ignoring it, explain its typical symptoms and methods for managing this condition see this link: - PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO CONSIDER THIS IMPORTANT MATTER AND LET US KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS AND IDEAS ON WHAT WE AS A SOCIETY CAN BE DOING BETTER IN ORDER TO TREAT PEOPLE WHO FACE THIS REALITY WITH A GREATER SENSE OF FAIRNESS?

15/12/2015 07:45:41 am

I am delighted with the article in front of me, with his no information that I got here I could have more experience, I say thank you.


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