Focus My Vote
WHAT HOPE IS THERE FOR REAL PROGRESS IF SO MANY OF US FAIL TO SEE, BY way of  excuses,,,,,that we have to each take responsibility, that we have to each do a little something and that the vast majority of us DO NOT have an excuse to not be involved - and thus accept (when we do not) that we are not true to ourselves or one another. The excuses?: (too busy, working too hard, preoccupied with family, preoccupied with progressing in career, preoccupied with issues that are of immediate direct concern to me...OR WHY should I stick my neck out for the "common good" when others won't and I will end up with all the risk, others will benefit from my efforts and I will be a focal point for any negativity which results from anyone who does not want change) - none of these are truly acceptable when we come down to the basics of life - WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON THIS IMPORTANT ISSUE?

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